Intro a Dataflows, el ETL de Power BI Service

Date(s) - June 16, 2020
4:30 pm - 4:45 pm


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Estaremos participando de la primera edicion en Argentina del evento internacional llamado Power BI Days, presentando sobre Power BI Dataflows el 16 de Junio a las 5:30PM hora local de Argentina (4:30PM US ET).
El evento se es gratuito para la comunidad en busqueda de contenido para aprender Power BI en espanol. Se realiza los dias 16 y 23 de Junio. Para inscription seguir los links:
Power BI Days – Junio 16
Power BI Days – Junio 23

We will be participating in the first Argentina edition of the international event “Power BI Days”, presenting “Intro to Dataflows, the ETL in Power BI Service”, on June 16, 4:30PM US ET.
The event is free for the community looking content in Spanish to learn Power BI. The event will be held on June 16th and 23rd. Follow the links to register:
Power BI Days – June 16
Power BI Days – June 23