Power BI Desktop
Power BI Desktop November release has brought great new functionalities. Be sure to remember that preview features need to be enable from File, Options & Settings, Options, Preview Features.
New Ribbon Experience (Preview)

Decomposition Tree Visual(Preview)
This visualization was asked by the community and now is available in preview. Find it on the Power BI Desktop visuals pane, as shown below.

You will find this visualization very useful to analyze a metric, and explain by different fields of your choice. The visual can be navigated dynamically, clicking on the + sign to expand and changing the path clicking with the mouse on the different fields.

AI Transformations (Preview)
Power Query has a new tab in the Home ribbon

You will be able to apply Text analytics and vision functions on your columns (i.e. sentiment analysis, image recognition), access your Azure Machine Learning models in Power BI Desktop.
When publishing to the service, because these functionalities are only for Premium, be sure to publish the report to a Workspace with Premium capacity, otherwise the text analytics and vision functions can’t be refreshed.
Read more : https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/power-bi-desktop-november-2019-feature-summary/